Embracing the Future: ShowMeTheParts New Mobile App

News & Updates

Aug 13, 2024

We created and launched our first mobile apps for auto parts catalog lookup over fifteen years ago.


It’s hard to believe they’re now teenagers, growing and evolving in ways we never could have imagined when we first introduced them to the market.

And just like teenagers, the past few years have brought tremendous changes to the mobile app technology landscape.

Today, we stand at the threshold of AI and the revolutionary changes it will bring. Following years of rapid advancements in security updates, data privacy concerns, and other growing pains that have made the mobile app space both exciting and, at times, overwhelming.

Throughout this journey, our commitment to you—our valued customers—has never wavered. We’ve consistently made tweaks and updates to our original mobile app technology, ensuring we continued to provide you with enterprise-level solutions tailored to your unique needs.

These small steps have kept our apps functional, secure, and aligned with the best practices of the day. But as the digital landscape evolves, we recognize that incremental updates are no longer enough to stay ahead of the curve.

That’s why today, we’re thrilled to announce that we’re moving beyond small steps and taking a giant leap forward with our new mobile app, built on a cutting-edge technology platform. This isn’t just an upgrade; it’s a complete overhaul designed to embrace the AI tools of the future.

All the features you’ve come to rely on, such as year/make/model lookup and application lookup, remain, but now with an updated interface that’s smoother, more stable, and more intuitive, offering a user experience that’s second to none.

Why This Update Matters

This update is about more than just aesthetics—it’s about performance, security, and compliance. As you know, the mobile app world is governed by strict guidelines set by industry giants like Apple and Google. These companies continually raise the bar for what they expect from app developers, particularly concerning user privacy, data security, and overall app performance. Our new app meets these stringent requirements, ensuring your auto parts catalog lookup app remains compliant, secure, and readily available for your customers.

Moreover, the updated technology stack we’ve adopted lays the foundation for a future filled with innovation. With this powerful new platform, we’re poised to introduce exciting new features and enhancements that will further elevate the way you manage and present your parts catalog. Imagine AI-driven insights that help you better understand user behavior, advanced search capabilities that make finding the right part by year/make/model or application faster and more accurate, and enhanced integration options that allow your app to communicate effortlessly with other tools and platforms. These are just a few of the possibilities that our new platform can unlock in the near future.

Continuing Our Commitment to Value

At Vertical Development, we’ve always prided ourselves on providing enterprise-level solutions without enterprise-level costs. While this update required significant investment to meet the latest compliance standards and incorporate the newest technologies, our goal remains the same: to deliver exceptional value that helps your business thrive without imposing prohibitive costs. We believe that the benefits of this new app—its improved performance, increased security, and future-ready technology—far outweigh the modest adjustments in pricing.

If you’re already one of our custom mobile app customers, we’re excited to help you take your app to the next level. Our team is ready to guide you through the transition, ensuring that you can start taking advantage of the new features and enhanced performance right away.

And if you’ve been considering a custom mobile app for your parts catalog but weren’t quite ready to take the plunge, now is the perfect time to explore the benefits it can offer your sales and support teams. With our new platform, we can deliver an app that’s not only tailored to your needs but also future-proofed to adapt to the rapid changes in the mobile app landscape.

Ready to Make the Leap?

We’re excited to bring these enhancements to you and your customers. The updated Vertical Development mobile app is now available, and we encourage all customers to make the transition to take full advantage of the new features. If you have any questions about the update or need assistance with the conversion process, our support team is here to help.

Reach out to our team today to schedule a call and start the next chapter of your mobile app journey with Vertical Development.  Thank you for your continued trust in us as your partner in parts catalog success. We look forward to leveraging over 35 years of parts cataloging experience as we help you navigate the future with confidence and innovation.

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